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July 7, 2017
Phages for Global Health has much good news to share!

With funding from private individuals and foundations, we are now in the final days of planning for our East Africa phage training program. This hands-on laboratory workshop will be hosted at Makerere University in Uganda on July 10-21. During the 2-week workshop, we will teach scientists from Uganda and surrounding countries how to isolate and characterize phages as antibacterial alternatives.

Our colleagues at Makerere University are making preparations to host the workshop at their laboratory training facility.

Enthusiasm from the East African scientific community for this workshop has been very high — we received FIVE times as many applications as we could accommodate! They came from scientists in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, representing 22 different universities and research institutions. The final participant selection was very competitive.

And the interest has spread to other countries! With support from local collaborators, we're now planning for future phage training programs in West Africa (hosted in Nigeria), in Southern Africa (hosted in Botswana), and our first workshop in Asia (hosted in Indonesia). Stay tuned for more exciting news about all of these workshops!

With gratitude,

Tobi Nagel, PhD, Founder & President
Karen Erickson, Treasurer
James B. Lin, Secretary

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