Tobi Nagel Wins Moonshot Fellowship
December 6, 2018
Our own Tobi Nagel was selected as a Moonshot Fellow by the Kravis Leadership Institute, which recognizes leaders of innovative initiatives that positively impact the lives of people worldwide. The 25 Moonshot Fellows were chosen from a pool of over 2,400 candidates.
As a Fellow, she attended a week-long "boot camp" in Mozambique, coordinated in partnership with Echoing Green, an organization that identifies and invests in transformational leaders. Coached and mentored by successful social entrepreneurs from around the world, Tobi says she was inspired to bring the work of Phages for Global Health to a new level of impact:
The 2018 Moonshot Fellows
“By 2050 10 million people will die each year from antibiotic-resistant infections. I started mapping out tangible steps we would need to take to stop a large number of those deaths. It begins by training people now so that within the next 30 years they and their colleagues can develop phage products that will save lives. With amplification of this training — each person training many others — we have enough time to realize significant impact.”
Please partner with us in this exciting and important work! We are preparing to teach phage biology to 50 scientists in Africa during 2019, and our past history indicates that they will likely go on to train 500 others. Imagine the long-term outcomes!
With hope,
James B. Lin - Secretary
Karen Erickson - Treasurer
Tobi in a workshop in Mozambique